الذهاب الي موقع تقييمك السعودية
تقييمك الامارات
الذهاب الي موقع تقييمك مصر

Frequently asked questions

الاسئلة الاكثر شيوعا

Why should I trust the information provided by the website?
  • On Taqyemak, we work with fixed criteria that have been clarified in a transparent manner, and the application of these criteria is based on professional tools for giant search engines like Google and other tools for well-known online shopping sites like Amazon.

  • To confirm the transparency principle, you can compare the ratings listed for any product on our website to what has been rated by users on the online shopping sites by entering the product link, which is located at the bottom of each product, to ensure the accuracy of all data provided by us.

Why do I depend on the information provided by Taqyemak website rather than other sites that provide the same service?
  • Because Taqyemak works based on fixed criteria that have been clarified in full transparency, and the application of these criteria rely on professional tools for giant search engines like Google and other well-known online shopping sites like Amazon.

  • In addition to our ongoing review of all products shown on the site to ensure that the reader is always provided with the best products. We also analyse prices on a regular basis to update the best price for each product periodically.

How can I be sure that the prices provided are the best?
On Taqyemak, we do a monthly price analysis in the market in order to update the best prices for each product periodically.

What is the source of the Taqyemak website's profits?
The site's profits depends on visitors in a mutually beneficial manner by providing the reader with the best prices for the best rated products in the UAE market, and at the same time we earn a commission from the Amazon site because we are part of the Amazon affiliate Program.

What are the countries in which Taqyemak website provides its services?
Our website offers its services in many countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.